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Is Your ``Net'' Working?: A Complete Guide to Building Contacts and Career Visibility

Автор: Anne Boe, Bettie B. Youngs
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0471615471
Is Your "Net" Working? A Complete Guide to Building Contacts and Career Visibility "This book is a masterpiece on networking. If you plan to stay in business, you can?t afford to be without this wonderful information." ?Cavett Robert, CPAE, Chairman Emeritus, National Speakers Association, and President of Think People "The purpose of business is building profitable relationships. This book gives the specific steps necessary to build a powerful network of contacts and business friends. It is a must for any success-oriented person." ?Jim Cathcart, CPAE, author of Relationship Selling "A must for anyone wanting to build their personal effectiveness and career options." ?Wendy Rue, Founder and past President, National Association of Female Executives "A practical, realistic look at the value of networking and how it can tremendously help a person?s career." ?Dave Nightingale, Vice President of Product Development, Nightingale/Conant Corporation "Anne Boe is...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:07:39

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