Integrated Management Systems : A Practical Approach to Transforming Organizations (Operations Management Series)
Автор:Thomas H. Lee, Shoji Shiba, Robert Chapman Wood Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471345954 "This is a thought-provoking book that will stimulate a constructive reevaluation of widespread management practices?and they badly need such reevaluation. If it does nothing else?and it does much more?it would deserve a serious reading."151;Russell L. Ackoff, Chairman, INTERACT, The Institute for Interactive Management "Integrated Management Systems points the direction for the next leg of the quality journey by synthesizing success stories from diverse organizations into a broader set of best management practices."151;Ray Stata, Chairman, Analog Devices, Inc. "Nothing would improve the performance of managers and organizations more than a deeper understanding of the potential and limitations inherent in management systems. This superb book, by three outstanding scholars, goes a very long way to that end."?Louis E. Lataif, Dean, Boston University School of Management "A vast reservoir of diverse and profoundly rich experience with some of the...