In Transit: The Transport Workers Union in New York City, 1933-1966 : With a New Epilogue (Labor in Crisis)
Автор:Joshua B. Freeman Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 156639922, 156639922X, 156639922X This history of New York transit workers from the Great Depression to the monumental 1966 transit strike shows how, through collective action, the men and women who operated the world's largest transit system brought about a virtual revolution in their daily lives. Joshua Freeman's detailed descriptions of both transit work and transit workers, and his full account of the formation and development of the Transport Workers Union provide new insight into the nature of modern industrial unionism. Freeman pays particular attention to the role of Communists and veterans of the Irish Republican Army?including TWU president Michael J. Quill?in organizing and leading the union, as well as to the Catholic labor activists who were the principal union dissidents. Freeman also explores the intense political struggles over the New York transit system. He links the TWU's pioneering role in public sector unionism to worker militancy and the union's deep involvement in New York politics....