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Greek Architecture

Автор: Allan Marquand
Год: 2006
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 436
ISBN: 9781406726534
GREEK ARCHITECTURE BY ALLAN MARQUAND, PH.D., L.H.D. PROFESSOR OF ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PREFACE IN publishing this treatise on Greek Architecture I wish to acknowledge my obligations to many writers. These are all recorded in the List of Abbreviations at the end of the volume and in the references given in the text. But a more special acknowledgment is due to the scholars whose work has appeared in the publications of the German Government on Olympia, Pergamon, Priene, and Magnesia, and in that of the French Government on Delphi, winch have furnished much material for both text and illustrations. The general treatises of most assistance have been those of Boetticher, Dunn, and Choisy, while the more specialized works of Penrose, Haussoullier, Lechat, Ivrell, Koldewey, Puchstein, Wie gaud, and Doerpfeld, as well as many articles published in periodicals, have greatly facilitated my task I am also indebted to Professor Harold N. Fowler for a care ful revision of the...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:32:30

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