Сборники биографий

Список источников >Художественная литература >Биографии. Мемуары >Сборники биографий >

Генеалогическая история Айнбундер, Зельдес и связанных с ними семей / Genealogicheskaia Istoria Ajnbunder, Zeldes i sviazannykh s nimi semei

Автор: Илья М. Зельдес / Ilya M. Zeldes
Год: 2009
Издание: BookSurge Publishing
Страниц: 606
ISBN: 1439222657
Genealogy of Ajnbunders from Rechitsa and Zeldeses from Boguslav is deeply rooted in the history of Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe. For over two hundred years, members of ours families contributed to the development and progress of industry, agriculture, sciences and culture in many countries. In this work, we present a brief historical and geographical information about some of the places where our ancestors lived in the past, their works and lives.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:39:44

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