Автор:John Green, Stephen Bullen, Felipe Martins, Brian Johnson Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0764544012 What is this book about? Excel 2000 is an important part of the Office 2000 program suite, and will be available in the Premium, Professional, Standard and Small Business editions of Office 2000. Excel has traditionally been the Office suite spreadsheet program par excellence. It still remains that way, but with Office 2000 there is a strong emphasis on between-application automation, ease of use, and the smart new bells and whistles that 2000 brings. Using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the user can program his or her own programs in what is essentially a subset of the Visual Basic programming languages. This is tremendously powerful, as it allows you to create great User Interfaces (forms etc), as a front end to actual spreadsheet and database storage and manipulation. This continues to be one of the great strengths of programming Excel VBA. What does this book cover? This book presents a full reference to the Excel object model — which is...