
Список источников >Художественная литература >Поэзия >

Directions To The Beach Of The Dead (Camino Del Sol)

Автор: Richard Blanco
Год: 2005
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 96
ISBN: 0816524793
Book DescriptionIn his second book of narrative, lyric poetry, Richard Blanco explores the familiar, unsettling journey for home and connections, those anxious musings about other lives: "Should I live here? Could I live here?" Whether the exotic("I?m struck with Maltese fever I dream of buying a little Maltese farm ) or merely different ("Today, home is a cottage with morning in the yawn of an open window "), he examines the restlessness that threatens from merely staying put, the fear of too many places and too little time. The words are redolent with his Cuban heritage: Marina making mole sauce; Tia Ida bitter over the revolution, missing the sisters who fled to Miami; his father, especially, "his hair once as black as the black of his oxfords " Yet this is a volume for all who have longed for enveloping arms and words, and for that sanctuary called home. "So much of my life spent like this-suspended, moving toward unknown places and names or...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:43:39

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