Ландшафтная архитектура

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Искусство. Культура >Архитектура. Градостроительство >Ландшафтная архитектура >

Detail in Contemporary Landscape... (+ CD)

Автор: Virginia McLeod
Год: 2012
Издание: Laurence King
Страниц: 192
ISBN: 9781780670232
Detailing makes a landscape unique, and a landscape architect outstanding. DETAIL IN CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in the development of contemporary landscape architecture, providing a study of the emerging trends in detailing. Featuring many of the world's most highly acclaimed landscape architects, the book presents 40 recently completed and influential landscape designs. These are organized into four chapters defined by type: Parks, Cultural, Civic and Waterfront landscapes. Each project is presented with colour photographs, site plans and sections, as well as numerous construction details. There is also a descriptive text and detailed captions. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages and an accompanying CD-ROM contains all the drawings as printed in the book. DETAIL IN CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE is an excellent reference work for architects,...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 11:59:09

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