Capturing the Heart of Leadership : Spirituality and Community in the New American Workplace
Автор:Gilbert W. Fairholm Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0275970965 This book seeks to promote a new spiritual approach to organizational leadership that goes beyond visionary management to a new focus on the spiritual for both leader and led. Reflecting on the current crisis of meaning in America, this book takes up thesearch for significance in peoples' worklives--in the products they produce and in the services they offer. Recognizing that the new corporation has become the dominant community for many-- commanding most of our waking hours by providing a focus for life, a measure of personal success, and a network of personal relationships--Fairholm calls on business leaders to focus their attention on the processes of community among their stakeholders: wholeness, integrity, stewardship, and morality.