Canning Spam : You've Got Mail (That You Don't Want)
Автор:Jeremy Poteet Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0672326396 We've all seen it ? the e-mails that come to us from a sender we don't know and promise a frog that jumps across our screen, a low mortgage rate or a medical miracle pill. These e-mails are otherwise known as spam. Your inbox gets cluttered or worse, your computer is infected with a virus as you scratch your head, wondering how it ever happened. Now there is a way to stop the madness! Canning Spam: You've Got Mail (That You Don?t Want) is your remedy to inbox clutter and infected computers. Learn how spammers get your e-mail address and how to stop them, how viruses are transmitted through attachments, how spammers can mask their true identity and how to ultimately block unwanted e-mails. Next time you log in to your e-mail account, be happy to hear those three little words: ?You've Got Mail!?