Общий менеджмент

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Building a Lemonade Stand is Not Just For Kids Anymore : Entrepreneurial traits and resources for developing a business

Автор: Dulce M Ramirez-Damon
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0595667341
Book DescriptionBuilding a Lemonade Stand is Not Just For Kids Anymore is a breath of fresh air approach to the Entrepreneur's World. It is filled with information on topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Ethics, and Minority Issues, just to namea few. Authors Dulce M. Ramirez-Damon and Concepcion L. Tuma bring over 20 years of experience in Education and Business combined. Damon and Tuma have been able to apply their entrepreneurial touch to the ever-changing issue of Entrepreneurship.Building a Lemonade Stand is Not Just For Kids Anymore not only addresses current issues, it also offers guidelines and available sources needed to formulate answers to very complex business questions such as: What are the legalities to starting a business? What is needed to hire the first employee? A Human Resources Handbook, is it necessary? What goes into a marketing plan? When seeking financing, does the business plan help? Building a Lemonade Stand is...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:01

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