Неврология. Нервная система

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Blindsided : Lifting a Life Above Illness: A Reluctant Memoir

Автор: Richard M. Cohen
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 256
ISBN: 0060014091
Amazon.comIn this moving and engrossing memoir, veteran television news producer Richard Cohen relates a life spent dealing with multiple sclerosis, first diagnosed when he was 25 years old and just getting started in the competitive world of broadcast journalism. As his career progressed, he struggled not only with the disease but the touchy question of how much of the truth about himself to share with colleagues and potential employers. Cohen spent much of his life running from the onset of the disease's symptoms from which his father and grandmother also suffered. Defiantly, he took challenging, sometimes extremely dangerous assignments in Lebanon, Poland, and on the domestic political campaign trail, even as his body deteriorated. But over the courseof Blindsided , it becomes apparent that illness had actually built Cohen up even as it ripped him apart. Without the physical and mental toughness required to navigate a journalist's life while fighting back loss of eyesight and...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:37:33

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