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Beacon Lights of History - Volume XI

Автор: John Lord
Год: 2009
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 224
ISBN: 9781409906162
John Lord (1810-1894) was an American historian and lecturer. Born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, he graduated from Dartmouth in 1833 and then entered the Andover Theological Seminary, where in his second year he wrote a series of lectures on the Dark Ages, which he delivered the next fall during a tour through northern New York. After graduating at Andover he became an agent for the American Peace Society. Later he was called to a church at New Marlboro, Massachusetts, and then to one at Stockbridge, Massachusetts. In 1840 he gave up his pastoral studies to become a public lecturer. In 1864, he received his LL. D. from the University of the City of New York. He wrote a Life of Emma Willard in 1873. Amongst his other works are: A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon (1849), The Old Roman World: The Grandeur and Failure of its Civilization (1868), Ancient States and Empires (1869) and Beacon Lights of History (14 volumes, 1883-96).
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:32:12

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