Наука. История науки

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Научная и техническая литература >Наука. История науки >

Attention Deficit Behaviour due to media through Handwriting analysis

Автор: Prakasha G. S. and Disha V. Kothari
Год: 2015

Страниц: 112
ISBN: 9783659771552
The present study had attempted to see whether there is any attention deficit behaviour among secondary school students due to their exposure to media through handwriting analysis. As a result it was found that, there is a significant difference in attention deficit behaviour between students who are less exposed to electronic media than students who are more exposed to electronic media. Hence in order to achieve continued attention in studies by the students, parents must control their children by excessive use of media. As now a days electronic media has become handy in entertaining the children during their recess time.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 12:53:39

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