Маркетинг. Общие вопросы

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11 Easy Steps To A New Product: Marketing Tips For The New Online Marketer On Fast & Easy Ways To Get New Product Ideas And New Business Ideas Without ... On Product Development & Product Promotion

Автор: Craig V. Thompson
Год: 2011
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 88
ISBN: 146104698, 146104698X, 146104698X
The World Wide Web is vast, fast and ever-changing. Whether a newbie or an old-hand, the online marketer needs to be innovative and updated all the time in order to stay in business. Part of the difficult challenge to stay on top is to come up with new product ideas and new business ideas while keeping costs at a minimum. Developing new products and promoting them can be very expensive to do for the online marketer on a budget. Even so, with limited resources to go by, you need to be all the more creative in finding the right product ideas that are as good as cash. This book will show you in detail the following techniques so you can keep coming up with new product ideas with little thought, money and effort. 1. Email course with reprint rights 2. How to spy on your competitor 3. How to use a competitora??s successful product 4. How to create a product based on something you've actually done 5. How to create a product by asking yourself open ended questions Plus...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:00

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