A Lecture On the Historic Evidence of the Authorship and Transmission of the Books of the New Testament
A lecture on the historic evidence of the authorship and transmission of the books of the New Testament, delivered before the Plymouth young men's Christian association, October 14, 1851
A lecture on the historic evidence of the authorship and transmission of the books of the New Testament: delivered before the Plymouth Young Men's Christian Association, October 14,1851
Hebrew reading lessons: consisting of the first four chapters of the book of Genesis, and the eighth chapter of the Proverbs. With a grammatical praxis, and interlineary translation
Nala and Damayanti: A Love-Tale of East India, Done Out of the Sanskrit of the Mahbhrata, the Oldest Epic Poem of India
Remarks on the Prophetic Visions in the Book of Daniel
Remarks On the Prophetic Visions in the Book of Daniel
The book of Revelation : translated from the ancient Greek Text
The Book of Revelation in Greek Edited from Ancient Authorities: With a New English Version and Various Readings
The book of Revelation: translated from the ancient Greek Text
The Greek New Testament
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