A fovre-fovld meditation, of the foure last things: viz.
A fovre-fovld meditation, of the foure last things: viz. . 1. Houre of death. 2. Day of iudgement. 3. Paines of hell. 4. Ioyes of heauen. Shewing . by R.S. The author of S. Peters complaint
Je vous aime
Je Vous Aime: Comedie . (French Edition)
La chaise de paille
La Chaise De Paille: Crapouillet (French Edition)
Les hommes de l'exil; precedes de Mes fils
Marie Magdalen's funerall teares for the death of our Saviour
Mary Magdalen'S Funeral Tears: The Triumphs Over Death; and an Epistle of Comfort
The complete poems of Robert Southwell
The Complete poems of Robert Southwell
The Complete poems of Robert Southwell, S.J.: for the first time fully collected and collated with the original and early editions and mss.
The Complete Poems of Robert Southwell: For the First Time Fully Collected .
The complete works of R. Southwell: with life and death
The History of the Principal Transactions of the Irish Parliament, from . 1634 to 1666: Containing Proceedings of the Lords and Commons During the . and of the First Duke of Ormond, Volume 2
The prose works of Robert Southwell. Ed. by W.J. Walter
Victor Hugo en Zelande
Victor Hugo En Zelande (French Edition)
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