A history of Mississippi : from the discovery of the great river by Hernando DeSoto, including the earliest settlement made by the French under Iberville, to the death of Jefferson Davis
A history of Mississippi for use in schools
A History of Mississippi: From the Discovery of the Great River by Hernando Desoto, Including the Earliest Settlement Made by the French Under Iberville, to the Death of Jefferson Davis
Animal life in Africa
Bright jewels for the Sunday school
Brightest and Best: A Choice Collection of New Songs, Duets, Choruses .
Brightest and Best: A Choice Collection of New Songs, Duets, Choruses, Invocation and Benediction Hymns for the Sunday School and Meetings of Prayer and Praise
Chautauqua carols
Good as gold
Good as gold : a new collection of Sunday school songs
Good as gold: a new collection of Sunday school songs
Gospel music
Hymn service for the Sunday school /
Joyful lays
Pure gold for the Sunday school : a new collection of songs : prepared and adapted for Sunday school exercises
Pure gold for the Sunday school: a new collection of songs : prepared and adapted for Sunday school exercises
The Bright Array: A New Collection of Sunday School Songs
Welcome tidings
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