A Day in Athens with Socrates
A Day in Athens with Socrates, Tr. from the Protagoras and the Republic By E.F. Mason.
A.C.E. Chr. Schneidero Critica adnotatione instructi Platonis Critiae pars prior. Pars posterior
Ad Codices Denuo Collatos (Latin Edition)
Alcibiades I
An Analytical Paraphrase On the Republic of Plato
Apologie De Socrate (French Edition)
Apologie Des Sokrates and Kriton (Ancient Greek Edition)
Apologie Des Sokrates Und Kriton: Nebst Den Schluszkapiteln Des Phaidon Und Der Lobrede Des Alkibiades Auf Sokrates Aus Dem Symposion (Ancient Greek Edition)
Apology - Also Known as the Death of Socrates
Apology of Socrates and Crito and a Part of the Phaedo
Apology of Socrates and Crito: Edited on the Basis of Cron's Edition
Apology of Socrates and Crito: With Extracts from the Phaedo and Symposium and from Xenophon's Memorabilia (Ancient Greek Edition)
Apology of Socrates Crito, Phaedo
Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates (Dodo Press)
Ausgewahlte schriften fur den schulgebrauch erklart .
Auswahl (German Edition)
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