A selection from the poems of Mathilde Blind; edited by Arthur Symons
Birds of Paradise: Songs of the Orient and Occident
Birds of Passage
Birds of passage: songs of the orient and occident
Clara Militch
Dramas in Miniature (Dodo Press)
George Eliot. New ed., to which are added a critical estimate of George Eliot's writings and supplementary chapters on her methods of work and her friends and home life
Poems (Dodo Press)
Poems, by Claude Lake
Poetical works of Mathilde Blind
Poetical Works of Mathilde Blind
Premier amour
Songs and Sonnets (Dodo Press)
The Ascent of Man (Dodo Press)
The Heather on Fire
The heather on fire: a tale of the Highland Clearances
The prophecy of Saint Oran, and other poems
The Works of George Eliot, Volume 7
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