An Essay on the Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine: Including an Introductory .
Descriptive Catalogue of the Woods Commonly Employed in this Country for the Mechanical and .
Descriptive Catalogue of the Woods Commonly Employed in This Country for the Mechanical and Ornamental Arts
Essay On the Productive Resources of India
Expert System to Diagnose Spinning Process Faults
On the Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India and Elsewhere: With an .
On the culture and commerce of cotton in India and elsewhere; with an account of the experiments .
On the Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India and Elsewhere; with an Account of the Experiments Made by the East India Company. Appendix: Papers Relating to the Great Exhibition
On the Culture and Commerce of Cotton in India, and Elsewhere: With an .
The Fibrous Plants of India
The Fibrous Plants of India Fitted for Cordage, Clothing, and Paper: With an .
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