Tables Intended to Facilitate the Operations of Navigation and Nautical .
Tables Intended to Facilitate the Operations of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy (To Accompany the Rudimentary Treatise On Navigation and Nautical Astronomy)
The Analysis and Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations: Forming a Sequal to the Elements of Algebra, and an Introduction to the Theory and Solution of Equations of the Higher Orders
The Elements of Analytical Geometry
The Elements of Mechanics, Comprehending Statics and Dynamics: With a Copious Collection of .
The Elements of Mechanics, Comprehending Statics and Dynamics: With a Copious Collection of Mechanical Problems. Intended for the Use of Mathematical Students in Schools and Universities .
The elements of the differential calculus; comprehending the general theory of curve surfaces, and of curves of double curvature
The Elements of the Integral Calculus: With Its Applications to Geometry and .
The Elements of the Integral Calculus: With Its Applications to Geometry and to the Summation of Infinite Series . / by J.R. Young
The Elements of the Integral Calculus: With Its Applications to Geometry and to the Summation of Infinite Series. Intended for the Use of Mathematical Students in Schools and Universities
The elements of the integral calculus; with its applications to geometry and to the summation of infinite series. Intended for the use of mathematical students in schools and universities
The Mosaic Cosmogony Not "Adverse to Modern Science": Being an Examination of the Essay of C.W. Goodwin, M.a., with Some Remarks On the Essay of Professor Powell, As Published in "Essays and Reviews"
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