В данном списке отображены только первые 30 книг. Воспользуйтесь алфавитным фильтром для поиска нужной вам книги!
A bicycle ergometer with an electric brake
A comparative study of temperature fluctuations in different parts of the human body
A study of prolonged fasting
Chemical Lecture Experiments
Elementary Organic Analysis: The Determination of Carbon and Hydrogen
Energy transformations during horizontal walking
Food ingestion and energy transformations, with special reference to the stimulating effect of nutrients
Human Vitality and Efficiency Under Prolonged Restricted Diet
Metabolism and growth from birth to puberty
Metabolism and Growth from Birth to Puberty
Muscular Work
Muscular Work: A Metabolic Study with Special Reference to the Efficiency of .
Muscular work: a metabolic study with special reference to the efficiency of the human body as a machine
Psychological Effects of Alcohol: An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Moderate Doses of Ethyl Alcohol On a Related Group of Neuro-Muscular Processes in Man
The composition of the atmosphere with special reference to its oxygen content
The gaseous metabolism of infants with special reference to its relation to pulserate and muscular activity
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