MS BackOffice. Серверные продукты Microsoft (для системных администраторов сетей)

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Windows 2000 Server Professional Reference

Автор: Karanjit Siyan
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0735709521
The goal of this title is to give you, the system administator everything you might possibly need in a Windows 2000 reference book. As one reviewer of the previous edition stated "If you are looking for a one-stop shop, here it is. After reading through so many NT books, I chose this one for its depth and breadth. Given that they are all the same, this Gold Monster at least gets the details right." It is the benchmark of references available for the Windows 2000 Server. The only book in the industry that provides you with detailed answers to day-to-day administration problems and tasks. Real-world implementations are key in helping system administrators discover the most viable solutions for your environments. This book extends your knowledge base to include Windows 2000, and how it integrates with other Microsoft BackOffice products. It shows administrators how to manage, troubleshoot, and fix problems that are specific heterogeneous Windows networks.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:56:39



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