Беременность. Роды

Список источников >Детям и родителям >Книги для родителей >Беременность. Роды >

The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies

Автор: Randine Lewis
Год: 2004
Издание: Little, Brown and Company
Страниц: 240
ISBN: 0316172294
Book DescriptionFor thousands of years, Chinese women have trusted traditional Chinese medicine to help them conceive. A recent medical study found that women who augmented Western fertility treatments with TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, doubled their chances of a succesful pregnancy. THE INFERTILITY CURE gives women an effective, natural means of supporting their efforts to get pregnant. Based on techniques and remedies drawn from traditional Chinese medicine, this program shows readers how to increase their overall health and well-being, strengthen the organs and systems vital to reproduction, heal specific conditions that may affect fertility, and even support Western-based reproductive technology such as IVF and hormone therapy. Dr. Lewis' easy-to-follow program begins with diagnosis, using an extensive questionnaire to determine each reader's unique diagnostic category. The next three steps involve bringing a woman's body back into balance through diet, acupressure, and...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 12:10:47



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