Финансы. Денежное обращение

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции >Финансы. Денежное обращение >

Research in Finance, Volume 19

Автор: Andrew H. Chen
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0762309652
Hardbound. Since its first appearance in 1979, Research in Finance has been publishing papers that cover important and interesting issues in finance and economics. The topics found in the series span a wide range; previous volumes have included papers on corporate financial management policy, asset pricing and investment management, corporate control and governance, bank regulations and management, and the analysis of financial derivatives and their applications in risk management and in venture capital investment. These papers, among others, have made significant contributions to the literature. In this volume, Bajaj, Vijh and Westerfield present evidence showing that ownership structure affects a firm's agency costs of cash flow, which, in turn, influences the market's reaction to changes in the firm's dividend policy. McNabb and Martin examine the relationship between managerial entrenchment and the effectiveness of internal governance mechanis
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:58:36



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