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Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт >Спорт >Общие работы о спорте >

Remaking the Male Body: Masculinity and the uses of Physical Culture in Interwar and Vichy France

Автор: Joan Tumblety
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 288
ISBN: 0199695571
Remaking the Male Body looks at interwar physical culture as a set of popular practices and as a field of ideas. It takes as its central subject the imagined failure of French manhood that was mapped out in this realm by physical culturist 'experts', often physicians. Their diagnosis of intertwined crises in masculine virility and national vitality was surprisingly widely shared across popular and political culture. Theirs was a hygienist and sometimes overtly eugenicist conception of physical exercise and national strength that suggests the persistence of fin-de-siecle pre-occupations with biological degeneration and regeneration well beyond the First World War. Joan Tumblety traces these patterns of thinking about the male body across a seemingly disparate set of voices, all of whom argued that the physical training of men offered a salve to France's real and imagined woes. In interrogating a range of sources, from get-fit manuals and the popular press, to the mobilising campaigns...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:35:48



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