Зарубежная литература для детей

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Rebel's Keep (Crown & Covenant)

Автор: Douglas Bond
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 275
ISBN: 0875527442
Book DescriptionThe third volume concludes the Crown & Covenant series with a new, high-intensity adventure. Set in 17th century Scotland, in the midst of the brutal persecutions of King Charles II of England, Rebel's Keep picks up the historical thread just before the devastating defeat of the Covenanters at Bothwell Brig in 1679. Brothers Duncan and Angus team up again to stand for the Covenanter?s cause and fight the king?s injustice. Forced finally to flee to America, they must leave behindtheir beloved homeland.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:49:08



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