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Ready to Use: Venture Capital Term Sheets - Contract Samples on CD-Rom That Can be Customized to Fit Your Needs (Ready to Use)

Автор: Alexander A. P. Singha
Год: 2004

Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 1597010022
Book DescriptionReady to Use: Venture Capital Term Sheets is the definitive resource for understanding, drafting and negotiating deals. The CD-ROM features a variety of sample term sheets used by leading venture capitalists, in a Word document that can be customized for your use. Written by leading corporate lawyers and fine tuned by leading venture capitalists, the contracts represent the industry standard for these types of agreements. Within this document are several term sheets examples, including one with line by line descriptions of the correct wording for "entrepreneur favorable," "investor favorable" and "neutral," originally written by a lawyer specializing in term sheets, with commentary by the author (a venture capitalist at Boston Capital Ventures) on descriptions of each clause, what can/should be negotiated, and the important points to pay attention to. Also within these documents are line by line wording on: rights, preferrences & privileges of series A pref!...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 12:08:15



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