Популярная астрология

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны >Астрология >Популярная астрология >

Primordial Alchemy and Modern Religion: Essays on Traditional Cosmology

Автор: Rodney Blackhirst
Год: 2008
Издание: Sophia Perennis
Страниц: 320
ISBN: 1597310832
Of all the traditional sciences it is alchemy—based as it is in metallurgy—that is directly concerned with the coming of the industrial order. In alchemical terms modern man lives in the Ferric Age and his state is best analogized to the properties of the metal iron, hard, cold, unbending but quick to succumb to corrosion and rust. The great ancient wisdom traditions of the world all anticipated this present age for it was already implicit in the technological and other changes that brought on the dawn of history. These ancient traditions - dismissed as childish superstitions by the scientist—contain ideas essential to the self-understanding that contemporary man so desperately needs. This is the central contention of the writings brought together in Primordial Alchemy & Modern Religion. Drawing upon many unexpected sources—especially Plato and the ancient Greeks—these wide-ranging, generous essays provide timely reiterations of ancient alchemical traditions and trace some pivotal...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:11:25



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