Самоменеджмент. Сделай себя сам

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Parachute Games

Автор: Todd Strong, Dale Lefevre
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 087322793, 087322793X, 087322793X
Are you and your students or group members tired of the same old activities? Parachute Games will help you revitalize your programs and involve participants in exciting, easy-to-do activities. With 60 parachute games and 120 accompanying photos, it?s a fresh source of ideas for elementary and middle school physical educators, recreation specialists, and classroom teachers. Parachute Games is full of fun, low-cost, high-interest activities that use a minimum of equipment and can involve a maximumof participants of all ages and ability levels. Parachutes are attractive?almost magnetic?objects for children. Used in games and activities, parachutes can help improve your participants? level of fitness as well as their social skills. In Part I you?ll learn everything you need to make parachute games exciting and safe, including: ? how parachute games promote cooperation among participants; ? how parachute games are adaptable for any level...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:05



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