Все сказки мира

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One Pea: A Sweet Tale of Manners

Автор: Julia Meyer, Marie Tabler
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 34
ISBN: 1479283975
Enjoy this sweet and humorous twist on the Princess and the Pea which also teaches the value of manners, gratitude and honesty. When it?s time for the prince to find a wife, his mother, the queen, begins the quest to find a true princess. Seven sisters from another kingdom are invited to stay at their castle and sleep on a pile of mattresses with a pea under one of the mattresses. Their law states that a true princess will not be able to sleep on such an uncomfortable bed. The ranting and raving about the horribly lumpy bed reveals that there are many true princesses! With so many choices, how will the prince decide whom to marry?
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:50:21



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