Общий менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Менеджмент >Общий менеджмент >

Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities

Автор: Gerry Gingrich
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 1931777403
This guide presents the most current research and findings about the challenges governments around the world are now placing on small business IT entrepreneurs and how they are providing increased resources to support this emphasis. Described are how organizations and society rely heavily on virtual technologies for communication and how information management has presented government officials and information resource management practitioners alike with a variety of challenges associated with managing resources and applications in the world economy. Topics covered include federal agency intranets, concerns and solutions for electronic voting systems adoption, using the web for enhanced decision making, and the role of the virtual organization.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:37



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