UNIX для пользователей и администраторов

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Компьютерная литература >Операционные системы (Windows, Linux...) >UNIX для пользователей и администраторов >

IntranetWare/NetWare 4.11: Administration, Troubleshooting, and TCP/IP

Автор: Mike Mutasem Awwad
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0139271384
This one-stop, comprehensive guide covers the essentials of data communications using the Network operating system NetWare 4.11 and TCP/IP, and provides all the practical, hands-on experience needed to become a professional network technician or administrator. Discusses the basic fundamentals of data communications (i.e., concepts of data communication through the OSI model); how to develop, design, and administer a NetWare 4.11 network; how to install, upgrade and configure a NeWare 4.11 network; essential skills a LAN technician needs to troubleshoot a NetWare or non-NetWare network; and fundamental concepts of TCP/IP?implementation, troubleshooting, and administration on a NetWare 4.11 network. Demonstrates step-by-step troubleshooting techniques for a network with up to 500 users; considers various Novell networking components that will lead users to more effective choices of networking equipment; and discusses more advanced topics in network administration for better...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:56:48



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