Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Кадры. Офис. Делопроизводство >Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала >

Hot Coal, Cold Steel: Russian and Ukrainian Workers from the End of the Soviet Union to the Post-Communist Transformations

Автор: Stephen Crowley
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0472107836
Well after the disintegration of the Communist Party and the Soviet state--and through several years of economic collapse--industrial workers in almost every sector of the former Soviet Union have remained quiescent and the same ineffective and unpopular trade unions still hold a virtual monopoly on worker's representation. Why? While many argue that labor is a central variable in the development of economic and political systems, little is known about workers in the states of the former Soviet Union since the fall of Communism. In a comparative study of two groups of industrial workers--the coal miners and steelworkers--at the end of the Soviet era, Stephen Crowley sheds light on where these workers have been and where they are going. Coal miners in the final years of the Soviet Union effectively organized and led strikes which supported the end of Communism, even though their heavy subsidies would be threatened by capitalism. Steel workers, in contrast, did not...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:45



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