Повести и романы для девочек

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Hannah Montana Web Pass: Secrets Unlocked Online

Автор: Reader's Digest
Год: 2009
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 48
ISBN: 0794417965
Get exclusive information about Hannah Montana and her life through the Sweet Pass, an innovative and value-added concept that ties book contact to a stand alone Web site. This innovative format offers girls the “best of both worlds” with a truly interactive experience. The book features vignettes and moments from the TV show grouped by Fashion, Friends, School, Music, Family, Boys, and more. But here’s the best part: each book comes with a cool guitar-shaped plastic card—with an attached charm chain—that has a unique Web site address and code printed on the back of it. When the girl goes to the indicated Web site and enters the code a window with folders will appear giving access to a number of unique images, tunes, activities, and more. It’s a one-of-a-kind format offering Hannah Montana fans exclusive access to tons of cool stuff.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:49:42



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