Общий менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Менеджмент >Общий менеджмент >

Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions

Автор: Yate M.
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 296
ISBN: 074946352, 074946352X, 074946352X
This new edition of the best-selling job-hunting book of all time should be an essential companion for job seekers at any stage of their career. Dealing with the whole process - from creating an outstanding CV and answering the most dreaded interview questions to negotiating a salary - it gives you the advice you need to get a competitive edge in today's increasingly crowded job market. "Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions" is full of examples of difficult questions that interviewers like to throw at you, showing you how to answer them in a way that will advance your application and help you to secure your dream job. It also offers advice on exploiting the hidden job market, using headhunters, networking, succeeding in telephone interviews, dressing for success, body language, securing a job offer, following up rejections and dealing with multiple offers.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:31



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