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Falvey's Guide to Fishing Long Island

Автор: Kevin Falvey
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 232
ISBN: 0978727827
Kevin Falvey details fishing in Long Island's waters with a species-by-species approach, covering winter and summer flounder, striped bass, bluefish, weakfish, blackfish, black sea bass, porgy, and other species, case-by-case. Each chapter is capped off with custom-marked charts that show anglers the hotspots where they'll find the fish. The book also includes a comprehensive knot-tying guide with custom illustrations. But Falvey goes even further: he ties the "why" to the "how" for anglers - not only will he tell you where and when to hook into a cow striper, he'll also tell you why the fish will bite in that specific spot at that specific stage of the tide on that specific lure. Once an angler understands why a fish will bite, he can predict where and when others will - gaining the ability to apply their knowledge to fisheries in other places, at other times. Falvey's Guide packs generations of fishing experience into its 232 pages, and with 130 pictures and illustrations, makes...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:35:46



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