Общий менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Менеджмент >Общий менеджмент >

E-Leader: Reinventing Leadership in a Connected Economy

Автор: Robert Hargrove
Год: 2001
Издание: Perseus Books Group
Страниц: 272
ISBN: 0738202649
What every manager needs to know about the new rules of leadership, now that every business is an e-business. Today every business is an e-business, and whether you are selling golf outings over the Internet or manufacturing the carts, there is no escaping the fact that every aspect of organizational design is profoundly affected by the new rules of the electronic economy. What many people and organizations overlook, however, is the degree to which these new rules are requiring a fundamentally different style of leadership. In E-Leader, Robert Hargrove identifies the new mindset and skills that leaders must develop in order to thrive in a world where wealth is built on relationships and experiences, not products or even technology. The old model of leader as "steward," protecting the company's brands and assets, is being replaced by a model of leader as "entrepreneur," searching constantly for new sources of wealth creation; establishing creative ventures with suppliers,...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:07



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