Общая экономика

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Deena Katz's Complete Guide to Practice Management: Tips, Tools, and Templates for the Financial Adviser

Автор: Deena B Katz
Год: 2009
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 351
ISBN: 1576603083
Deena Katz is a true leader in the financial planning community. The author of two of the best-selling practice-management books for advisers and a popular keynote speaker at industry conferences, she is also chairman of Evensky & Katz, one of the top planning firms in the country. Now Katzs acclaimed Deena Katz on Practice Management and Deena Katz's Tools and Templates for Your Practice have been combined and expanded into one updated volume that gives advisers access to the industry's leading insights and innovations from the best practices of her own firm and those of other nationally known advisers.
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:44:23



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