Сборники кулинарных рецептов

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Домашний круг >Кулинария. Напитки >Сборники кулинарных рецептов >

Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook

Автор: Valerie Alston
Год: 2015
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 40
ISBN: 9781681274720
In today's day and age, many serious changes in health and living have happened over the past few decades and the past century for that matter. Many health programs and diets have been created and practiced over the years to try to battle obesity and for a healthier lifestyle. And speaking of diets, there is one that has become quite a fad at this time and is getting more popular each day, the Paleo Diet and a form of this diet is the Autoimmune Paleo Diet.
Добавлено: 2015-04-23 00:14:16



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