Зарубежная литература для детей

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Ambrose the Whale: A Novel for Children and Adults

Автор: Paul Baker Newman
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 112
ISBN: 0595270913
Book DescriptionThe princess of Cambodia has to choose (donA?t we all) between a safe but boring life and a life of exciting risk. Aided by the splash of Ambrose the whale, she embarks on a quest which leads to encounters with a piratical whaling captain, a young sailor, a legion of miniature Vikings, an army of fighting squids, a great white whale (Moby Dick), and a war to liberate the Thrallbeggars (as the miniature Vikings are called) from being the snack food of the ocean, before she finds an answer. In all this, Ambrose is her indispensable friend. Ambrose the Whale is filled with word play and humor. It is chiefly a parody of the conventional fairy story, at the same time that it is a story of dreams where wishes conquer reason, and yet remind us of common sense. What we desire A? this story tells us - comes to us because we give in to dreams and seek the real behind them. We discover who we are through search. The princess in this amusing story...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:48:50



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