История и теория фотографии

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Искусство. Культура >Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография >История и теория фотографии >

Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: The Ultimate Workshop

Автор: Martin Evening, Jeff Schewe
Год: 2010
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 496
ISBN: 0240814835
If you already have a good knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and are looking to advance your skills, Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: The Ultimate Workshop is the book you've been waiting for. Renowned photographers Martin Evening and Jeff Schewe impart their Photoshop tips and workflow, showing you how to use a vast array of rarely seen advanced Photoshop techniques. Whether the subject is serious retouching work, weird and wonderful compositions, or planning a shoot before you've even picked up a camera, you can be sure that the advice is based on years of practical experience. Full of inspirational photographs and hundreds of full-color screenshots to show you how it's done, this book features: -Advice on becoming a retouching master with advanced masking and compositing techniques -A detailed workflow for preparing your images for the best possible output, showing you how to meet both deadline and budge without sacrificing quality -26 movie tutorials on the included DVD,...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:56:09



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