Кросcворд по английскому языку по темам "Famous people", "Great Britain"

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Кросcворд по английскому языку по темам Кросcворд по английскому языку по темам
По горизонтали
2. Избранный
4. The old name of England
6. An important oil center in the east of Scotland
7. Гора
9. Палата Лордов
12. The national flag of the United Kingdom
13. It stands for central Government
14. The official language in the uk
15. The national musical instrument in Scotland

По вертикали
1. The hightest point of Wales and England
3. The national flower in Scotland
5. The national flower in Wales
8. It stands for Parliament
10. The best known lake in the world
11. Prime Minister lives in this street

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Похожие кроссворды

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