По горизонтали
2. dosage form for internal use, which is obtained by the method of the layering of active substances and excipients for sugar grains.
4. Clear, sweetened hydroalcoholic liquids for oral use, usually containing potent drugs, or drugs with unpleasant taste
8. Alcohol-ethereal solution of nitrocellulose applied in medicine
14. Liquid preparations that contain one or more chemical substansces dissolved in a solvent
16. Solutions, in alcohol, water, ether, or a mixture of these, of the active part of a vegetable drug so prepared that one cubic centimetre of extract has the same strenght as one gram of the dry drug
17. Conical or cylindrical vessel with a perforated false bottom and atap at the base
19. The best polar dissolvent
По вертикали
1. dosage form representing solutions, emulsions, suspensions of drug substances under pressure together with the propellants in a sealed package, provided with a valve-spray system (dosing or negosida)
3. negazirovannaja liquid dosage form of a transparent mixture of alcohol-water extracts from medicinal plants with the addition of medicinal substances, sugars and flavorings
5. The combination of hard tissues that underpin the body or its individual parts
6. Substance (as a rule liquid or gas) which has ability to dissolve other substances in certain ratios
7. Solutions of a nonvolatile substance in alcohol or a mixture or mixture of water and alcohol, are manufactured by simple solution, maceration, or percolation
9. a disperse system consisting of microscopic liquid droplets (dispersed phase) is dispersed in another liquid (the dispersion medium).
10. mixture of substances where the solid is distributed in the form of fine particles in the liquid in suspension (poseuses) state
11. Ability of substance to be dissolved
12. dosage form in the form of a plastic mass having the ability to soften at body temperature and stick to the skin, or in the form of the same mass on a flat carrier, designed for outdoor use.
13. Solutions of volatile substances in alcohol or a mixture water and alcohol
15. Extraction method in which the drug, suitably prepared, is placed, together with the extracting solvent in a closed vessel and left for a defined period, with ocassional shaking
17. Extraction method in which the powdered drug is moinstened with the extracting solvent, allowed to stand for a defined period, and the carefully packed in a percolator
18. Substance allocated in not dissolved condition
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