По горизонтали
1. Thawed area of soil in the area of permafrost spreading
4. Precious stone
5. A type of coal, ornamental stone
8. A small space body
13. Mineral of the class of silicates of the subclass of sheet silicates
15. The process of mechanical destruction and demolition of rocks in the coastal zone of water bodies by waves and surf
17. Water content of clastic rock
18. One of the names of the land
19. Mineral of the halide class of the chloride subclass
23. Water science
25. Earth's satellite
По вертикали
1. A Mohs scale mineral
2. A mineral of the nitrate classes
3. A mineral of the carbonate class
6. A mineral from the group of feldspars (plagioclases)
7. The whole existing material world, boundless in time and space
9. The science of the earth's structure and composition
10. Phosphorus agro-rods
11. Mineral of the sulfide class, subclass of simple sulfides
12. Intrusive rock of basic composition
14. Planetary star cluster
16. Sulphur dioxide
20. The solid envelope ofplanet or satellite of the Earth group
21. Magma intrusion into the upper layer of the Earth's crust
22. An extinct giant sea lizard
23. The Earth's watery envelope
24. Fourth period of the Paleozoic
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