По горизонтали
3. It is a vegetable. It is small and brown. It is circleshaped
5. A baby pig
6. It is a fruit. It is circlesaped. Do a headstand
8. A large African animal with a very long neck and long legs
9. Brother and sister
11. It is a fruit. It is red. Do a headstand
12. It is a vegetable. It is green. It is walking between a garlic and a tomato
13. Овощ. Зеленого цвета, удлиненной формы
15. Daughters son
16. A small animal covered in fur with a long tail with a lot of fur, which climbs trees and feeds
17. It is a vegetable. It is small and brown. It is not circleshaped
18. Овощ. Удлиненной формы, оранжевого цвета
19. Дедушка
По вертикали
1. It is a vegetable. It is circleshaped. It is red and green
2. Фрукт. Продолговатой формы, желтого цвета, очень сладкий
4. It is a vegetable. It is purple. It is dancing with a cucumber
5. Mother and father
7. A small animal with long ears and large front teeth, which moves by jumping on its long back
10. It is a vegetable. It is green. It is singing
11. Fathers second wife
12. Бабушка
14. Кузен (двоюродный брат)
20. Sisters son
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