Финансы. Денежное обращение

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What to Do When You Want to Give Up: Help for Entrepreneurs in Tough Times

Автор: Allon Raiz, Trevor Waller
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 184
ISBN: 1920434321
Being an entrepreneur is hard. When times are tough, it gets even harder. What do you do when all the financial indicators are telling you that you are a failure, but a voice deep inside is telling you that you have something special? When do you know whether you are conning yourself, or if indeed there is something worthwhile in your business? How do you handle the disparity between what you portray to the world and what is really going on inside? What do you do when you just want to give up? Allon Raiz has been there, and has guided countless other entrepreneurs through the ultimate challenge of being an entrepreneur. He has faced the questions: Do I give up or do I carry on? Do I find a way to build my business or do I get a job? Do I follow my head or risk following my heart? Using the case study of a real business, Raiz takes us from where we left off in his first book, Lose the Business Plan: What they don't teach you about being an entrepreneur (which deals with starting a new...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:44:11



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