Финансы. Денежное обращение

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции >Финансы. Денежное обращение >

Twenty Good Summers: Work Less, Live More and Make the Most of Your Money

Автор: Martin Hawes
Год: 2007
Издание: Allen & Unwin
Страниц: 168
ISBN: 174114700, 174114700X, 174114700X
This helpful and frank guide fills baby boomers in on how to live the next 20 summers to their fullest potential. Useful advice is providedA on planning for the future, maximizing financial potential while still working, recognizing when to retire, and reorganizing finances properly to sustain a new, work-free lifestyle. A light and straightforward style makes understanding theA presented ideasA simple, while numerous charts and graphs help to illustrate theA keyA principles.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:26



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