Биографии государственных и общественно-политических деятелей

Список источников >Художественная литература >Биографии. Мемуары >Биографии зарубежных знаменитостей >Биографии государственных и общественно-политических деятелей >

The Mysterious Death of Tutankhamun: Re-Opening the Case of Egypt's Boy-King

Автор: Paul Doherty
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 272
ISBN: 0786712457
Book DescriptionEgypt?s most famous king died at the age of eighteen, and in the three thousand years since his death, the fabulous treasure buried with the young ruler has become as famous as his name. It has long been assumed that Tutankhamun diedof natural causes, yet his hurried burial, first in a virtually unmarked grave, suggests there may have been an attempt, or plot, to conceal the evidence of fatal head wounds. Behind King Tut?s calm death mask, Doherty uncovers a turbulent tale of bloody intrigues at the Egyptian court, most of them pointing to the possibility of murder. The powerful cabal that ran the court and governed the country might have had young Tutankhamun assassinated; or he might have been killed at the instruction of theimperious first minister, Ay, who sought to seize the pharaonic crown for himself. And what role did the beautiful Ankhesenamun, Ay?s granddaughter and Tutankhamun?s queen, play in the labyrinthine courtly scheming? Coupling...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:37:56



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